Ukr.Biochem.J. 2015; Volume 87, Issue 2, Mar-Apr, pp. 95-102
Antioxidant activity of alkoxy derivatives of (quinoline-4-ylthio)carboxylic acids
O. О. Brazhko1, M. P. Zavgorodny1, O. S. Kruglyak2,
L. O. Omeljanchik1, G. A. Shapoval2
1Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine;
2Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
A selection of potential bioactive molecules including alkoxy derivatives of (quinoline-4-ylthio)carboxylic acids using virtual screening has been carried out and their biological activity was determined. The studied substances proved to be low-toxic, biologically active compounds. It was established that 4-thio derivatives of quinoline exhibit pronounced antiradical, antioxidant effects and can act as preventive antioxidants, radio and cytoprotectors.
Keywords: 4-thioquinolines, antiradical and antioxidant activity, mercaptocarboxylic acids, PASS-prognosis, toxicity
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