Tag Archives: model of tumor growth
Influence of antitumor system rhenium–platinum on biochemical state of the liver
V. V. Ivchuk1, T. N. Polishko1, O. A. Golichenko2,
O. V. Shtemenko2, N. I. Shtemenko1
1Oles’ Gonchar Dnepropetrovsk National University, Ukraine;
2Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnepropetrovsk;
e-mail: n.shtemenko@i.ua
Influence of the antitumour rhenium-platinum system on biochemical liver characteristics in the model of tumor growth (Guerin carcinoma) was studied and possible hepatoprotective activity of rhenium cluster compounds when introducing them in different forms was shown, that was confirmed by decreasing of diagnostic enzymes activity in blood (aminotransferase – AST 6 times and ALT 5.6 times, lactatedehydrogenase 4.9 times, γ-glutamyltranspeptidase 3.6 times) and normalization of morphological state of the liver cells. The hepatoprotective activity of the cluster rhenium compound with adamanthyl ligands was confirmed in the model of acute toxic hepatitis. Introduction of this compound led to reduction of the concentration of MDA in homogenates of liver tissue (2 times), and in blood plasma (3.8 times); to reduction of levels of diagnostic liver enzymes in blood – AST and ALT 5.8 and 5.5 times respectively in comparison with control group. Some aspects of the mechanism of hepatoprotection were discussed, that included the presence of conjugated systems around the quadrupol rhenium-rhenium bond and alkyl radicals with significant positive inductive effects.
Antioxidant and antitumor activity of dirhenium dicarboxylates in animals with Guerin carcinoma
I. V. Leus1, K. L. Shamelashvili1, O. D. Skorik1, S. Y. Tretyak2,
O. A. Golichenko2, O. V. Shtemenko2, N. I. Shtemenko1
1Oles Gonchar Dnipropetrovsk National University, Ukraine;
2Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipropetrovsk;
e-mail: ingaleus@mail.ru
The antioxidant and anticancer properties of dirhenium dicarboxylates of cis- and trans-configuration with different organic ligands in a model of tumor growth (Guerin carcinoma) were studied. It was shown that compounds of different configuration had similar antitumor effect, and dirhenium (III) cis-dicarboxylates were characterized by higher antioxidant activity and degree of activation of erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) in comparison with trans-isomers. The dependence between the structure of dirhenium (III) dicarboxylates and their ability to activate erythrocyte SOD in the model of tumor growth was shown for the first time. The in vitro studies have shown that rhenium compounds of cis- and trans-configuration interacted similarly with erythrocyte SOD, changing the protein secondary structure. In contrast to trans-dicarboxylate, for cis-dicarboxylate the SOD-like activity was demonstrated to be on the first minutes of the xantine-oxidase reaction. The studied features of the interaction between rhenium compounds and SOD in vitro explain only partly the activation of SOD in experiments in vivo. The attempt is made to explain the differences in the mechanisms of antioxidant activity of dirhenium cis- and trans-dicarboxylates.