Tag Archives: sex attractant

Sec-butyl ester of dodecenoate: synthesis and attractive properties

K. A. Efetov1, E. V. Parshkova1, M. Y. Baevsky2, A. I. Poddubov2

1Crimean State Medical University, Simferopol;
e-mail: efetov.konst@gmail.com;
2V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Simferopol, Crimea

2-Butyl 2-dodecenoate has been synthesized from lauric acid and sec-butanol. The study of the bio­logical activity of this substance has demonstrated its property as a sex attractant for males of Jordanita graeca, Jordanita globulariae and Theresimima ampellophaga (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae, Procridinae). The latter species is the grape pest  in southern Europe. The attractant obtained can be used for the detection of species, for monitoring their numbers in nature and for the elaboration of ecological methods of pest control.