Ukr.Biochem.J. 2011; Volume 83, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, pp. 77-82

Oxygen binding by marine fish blood under hypothermic experimental conditions

A. A. Soldatov1, I. A. Parfyonova2

1Institute of Biology of Southern Seas, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Sevastopol;
2Sevastopol National Technical University, Ukraine

Influence of temperature in the range of 1-15 °С on oxygen binding properties of blood of thermophilic – golden mullet (Liza aurata), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), and cold-tolerant – sardelle (Clupeonella cultriventris) fishes has been investigated under experimental conditions. Heat dependence of oxygenation reaction in thermophilic fish blood at temperature below 10 °C considerably increases, which is evidenced by high ΔH values. That is accompanied by a substantial increase of blood oxygen affinity and complicates blood deoxygenation at the tissue level. This reac­tion is apparently determined by the change of hemoglobin interaction with intraerythrocyte medium. The concentration of NTP in erythrocytes increases, that partially compensates negative changes of blood oxygen affinity (parameter P50 is raised) under long-term maintenance of fishes at 5 °С. However this reaction is not observed at low temperatures (1-2 °C).

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