Ukr.Biochem.J. 2016; Volume 88, Issue 4, Jul-Aug, pp. 20-28
The influence of heavy metal ions, spermine and sodium nitroprusside on ATP-hydrolases of cell membranes of rat colon smooth muscle
A. A. Kaplia
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
The specific features of functional lability of the rat colon smooth muscle (CSM) АТР-hydrolases were studied. Na+,K+-AТРase activity is effectively inhibited by divalent ions of both transition (≥ 0,1 µM) and nontransition (≥ 1 µM) heavy metals in succession by efficiency: Cu2+ > Fe2+ ≥ Cd2+ (10 µM). Polyamine spermine (0,5-1,0 mM) is a weak Na+,K+-AТРase inhibitor at saturation concentrations of ions and substrate. Sodium nitroprusside (1 mM) as nitric oxide-generating compound exhibits weak Na+,K+-AТРase inhibition only after prolonged preincubation with membranes. Mg2+-АТР-hydrolase activity in all cases is much more resistant to studied agents. Considering the example of the CSM Na+,K+-AТРase it is assumed that enzyme has specific biochemical features that contribute to its role as a potential target and redox-sensor, mediating the pathological mechanisms of heavy metal intoxication and cell oxidative damage.
Keywords: ATP-hydrolases, colonic smooth muscle, heavy metals, Na(+)-K(+)-AТРase, sodium nitroprusside, spermine
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