Ukr.Biochem.J. 2011 Volume 83, Issue 5, Sep-Oct
ReviewsExperimental Works- Nicotine effects on mitochondria membrane potential: participation of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (Gergalova G.L., Skok M.V.)
- Activation of the phosphatidylinositol-3′-kinase pathway with lectin-induced signal through sialo-containing glycoproteins of leukocyte membranes under type 1 diabetes mellitus (Sybirna N., Zdioruk М., Brodyak І., Bars’ka M., Vovk О.)
- Effect of protein C activator on overall haemostasis potential in donor and hip arthroplasty patient plasma (Rublenko A.M., Urvant L.P., Makogonenko E.M., T.N. Platonova, Tsap P.U., Chernyshenko T.M., Kolesnikova I.M., Fishchenko V.O., Lugovskoi E.V.)
- Evaluation of biological effects of cobalt-nanocomposites with the use of biochemical markers of bivalve mollusk Anodonta cygnea (Falfushynska H.I., Gnatyshyna L.L., Stoliar O.B., Mitina N.E., Zaichenko O.S., Filyak Ye.Z., Stoika R.S.)
- Structural flexibility of canonical 2′-deoxyribonucleotides in DNA-like conformations (Nikolaienko T.Yu., Bulavin L.A., Hovorun D.M.)
- The search of miRNA genes in Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus genomes regions complementary to the latest genes (Shirina T.V., Bobrovskaja M.T., Kozlov E.A.)
- Cloning and functional analysis of the GSH1/MET1 gene complementing cysteine and glutathione auxotrophy of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha (Ubiyvovk V. M., Blazhenko O.V., Zimmermann M., Sohn M.J., Kang H.A.)
- Influence of salicylic and succinic acids on formation of active oxygen forms in wheat coleoptiles (Kolupaev Yu.Ye., Yastreb T.O., Shvidenko M.V., Karpets Yu.V.)
Short CommunicationsMathematical Modeling of Biochemical ProcessThe History of Biochemistry

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