Tag Archives: antiidiotypic antibodies

Idiotype-antiidiotypic interaction of antibodies in the bloodstream

S. A. Bobrovnik

Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
е-mail: s-bobrov@bk.ru

A problem of “prozone” formation in agglutination of corpuscular antibodies by bivalent antibodies­ was considered. Using a new coordinate system, which was proposed by us earlier, we analyzed theoretical and experimental curves that describe relations between bivalent antibody concentration and some blocking factors. It was shown that occupation of antibody paratopes by a blocking­ factor or by antiidiotypic antibodies can induce “prozone” formation. It was also demonstrated that experimental titration curves for a mixture of antibodies and corresponding antigens coincide with theoretical curves that were calculated according to our theory. Our data also demonstrate that major part of serum antibodies are blocked by antiidiotypic antibodies when maximum of antibody formation is over and antibody titers come down.