Tag Archives: nanocomposite

Evaluation of biological effects of cobalt-nanocomposites with the use of biochemical markers of bivalve mollusk Anodonta cygnea

H. I. Falfushynska1, L. L. Gnatyshyna1, O. B. Stoliar1, N. E. Mitina2, O. S. Zaichenko2, Ye. Z. Filyak3, R. S. Stoika3

1Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University, Ukraine;
e-mail: halynka.f@gmail.com,  oksana.stolyar@gmail.com;
2Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine;
3Institute of Cell Biology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv;
e-mail: stoika@cellbiol.lviv.ua

Intensive implementation of nanomaterials requires development of novel methods for evalua­tion of their potential ecotoxicity. The aim of our study was to identify specific characteristics of the effect of cobalt-nanocomposite (Co-NC) on the molecular stress-responsive system in the digestive gland of bivalve mollusk Anodonta cygnea. Nanocomposite was synthesized by mixing alcohol solution of copolymer N-vinylpirrolidone, 5-(tret-butylperoxy)-5-methyl-1-hexene-3-yne and dimethylaminoethylmetacrylate and cobalt (II) chloride. After 14 days of the mollusk exposure in the presence of Co-NC, CoCl2 or corresponding polymer substance it was shown that the Co NC, in contrast to other agents, does not cause an oxidative stress due to the superoxide dismutase activity, metallotioneins (MTs) level, glutathione redox index and oxyradical production. Multivaria­te analysis confirmed specific features of the Co NC’s effect related to an enhanced expression of MTs, while CoCl2 activated lactate dehydrogenate and oxyradical production, and polymer substance enhanced glutathione transferase activity.