Tag Archives: ontogenesis

Astrocyte specific proteins content in the different parts of the rat and mongolian gerbil brain during ontogenesis

Y. P. Kovalchuk*, H. N. Shiyntum, G. A. Ushakovа

Oles Honchar Dniprо National University, Ukraine;
*e-mail: yulka.5868152@ukr.net

Received: 28 October 2021; Accepted: 17 May 2021

Astrocyte-specific proteins are used as markers of astrocytes, particularly in the case of age-related brain dysfunctions and neurodegenerative disorders. However, the data on the content of these proteins in different parts of the brain during ontogenesis are insufficient. In this research, the content of astrocyte specific Ca2+-binding protein S100B and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in cerebellum, thalamus, and hippocampus of Wistar rats and Mongolian gerbils during ontogenesis were determined. Animals were divided by age into four groups (n = 6-10): 1 – newborn (1-day-old); 2 – 30-day-old; 3 – 90-day-old; 4 – 180-day-old. Fractions of soluble and filamentous proteins from the different parts of the brain were obtained by differential centrifugation and solubilization with 4M urea. The quantitative levels of S100B and GFAP were determined with ELISA. It was revealed that the content of S100B protein increased significantly by day 180 in all studied parts of the rat and gerbil brain. The content of GFAP both soluble and filamentous forms in the brain of 1 day-old animals was low, but raised significantly after 30 days in all studied parts of gerbil brain, and increased gradually up to 180 days in the rat brain. The magnitude of the increase in the content of the studied astrocyte-specific proteins was shown to be different and to depend on the brain part, postnatal development stage of the animals and their species.