Ukr.Biochem.J. 2014; Volume 86, Issue 4, Jul-Aug, pp. 5-17
System biology and the project Encode
M. Yu. Obolenskaya
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
The goal of this review is to give an incipient knowledge on the background of system biology, the premises to its assignment as a new branch of biology, its principles, methodology and its great achievements in identification of functional elements of human genome and regulation of their concordant and differential activity. The short characteristics of functional elements including the protein-coding sequences and those coding noncoding RNAs, the DNAse 1 hypersensitivity sites and methylated CpG islets, modified histones and specific 3D structure of chromatin, are represented. The topology of transcription factors network with its main motifs, hierarchy, combination and association of transcription factors and their allelic specificity are highlighted.
Keywords: functional elements of genome, network of transcription factors, system biology
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