Ukr.Biochem.J. 2013; Volume 85, Issue 3, May-Jun, pp. 103-111


Laureates of the Palladin Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1987–1988)

R. P. Vynogradova , V. M. Danilova

Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;

The article presents information on life and scientific work of S. I. Kusen and R. S. Stoika who were awarded the Palladin Prize of NAS of Ukraine for the monograph “Molecular mechanisms of action of polypeptide growth factors” in 1987 as well as M. F. Starodub who was awarded the same prize for the monograph “Heterogeneous system of hemoglobin: structure, properties, synthesis and biological role” in 1988.

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