Ukr.Biochem.J. 2016; Volume 88, Issue 2, Mar-Apr, pp. 56-65
Level of overall hemostasis potential in donor and patient plasma in pathology
L. V. Pyrogova, T. M. Chernyshenko, I. N. Kolesnikova, T. N. Platonova,
G. K. Bereznitsky, Y. M. Makogonenko, E. V. Lugovskoy
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
Coagulation potential (CP), overall hemostasis potential (OHP) and fibrinolysis potential (FP) in plasma of donors and patients with myocardial infarction (MI), stroke (St) and hip joint diseases (HJD) have been investigated using M. Blomback’s global hemostasis assay. Plasma samples of the patients were analyzed with APTT reagent in the presence or absence of t-PA. It was found that the ratio of values of СP, OHP and FP in plasma of patients to those of donors plasma were 78, 60 and 123% at MI; 157, 155 and 162% at St; 128, 131 and 124% at HJD. CP to FP ratio that indicated balance between coagulation and fibrinolytic systems activities were 4.13, 2.5, 4.0 and 4.26 in plasma of donors and MI, St and HJD patients, respectively. These results are evidence of increased fibrinolytic activity in plasma of MI patients. Lag-periods of plasma clotting of MI, St and HJD patients were prolonged by 2.3, 7.2 and 1.5-fold, respectively. Pearson’s correlation analysis between parameters, obtained in vitro studies using global hemostasis assay, and concentrations of the molecular markers (soluble fibrin and D-dimer), which formed in vivo in plasma of MI, St and HJD patients, did not reveal any relationship between them.
Keywords: D-dimer, hemostasis potential of blood plasma, soluble fibrin
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