Tag Archives: osteoprotegerin

Osteoprotegerin, sclerostin, and osteocalcin serum levels in thyroid disorder patients

F. F. Rija1, S. Z. Hussein2*, M. A. Abdalla3

1Department of Biology, Tikrit University – College of Sciences, Tikrit, Iraq;
2Clinical Biochemistry Unit, Salah Aldeen Health Directorate, Tikrit, Iraq;
3Department of Human Anatomy, Tikrit University College of Medicine, Tikrit, Iraq;
*e-mail: drmohammadahmad68@gmail.com

Received: 15 February 2021; Accepted: 22 September 2021

The maintenance of thyroid hormone homeostasis is essential in the regulation of skeletal system development, bone tissue mineralization and fracture risk prevention. This study was carried out to evaluate the serum level of osteoprotegerin (OPG), sclerostin (SOST), and osteocalcin (OC) in hypo- and hyperthyroidism patients. A total number of examined patients was 90 individuals, 30 of them were normal as a control group, the rest 60 individuals were arranged in two groups: 30 patients with hypothyroidism and 30 patients with hyperthyroidism. Serum assay tests for OPG, SOST, OC, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), total triiodothyronine (T3), and total thyroxine (T4) were used. The present study reported high levels of SOST, T3, and T4 and low levels of OPG, OC, and TSH in patients with  hyperthyroidism compared to control. Whereas in patients with hypothyroidism only SOST and TSH levels were increased, but OPG, OC, T3, and T4 levels were low compared to control. The data obtained indicate the correlation on osteoprotegerin, sclerostin, and osteocalcin levels with thyroid hormones disturbances.