Tag Archives: protamine
Kinetic parameters of polyreactive immunoglobulins interaction with antigens in the presence of protamine
S. A. Bobrovnik, M. O. Demchenko, S. V. Komisarenko
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
e-mail: s-bobrov@bk.ru
The discovered earlier phenomenon of the enhancment of polyreactive immunoglobulines (PRIGs) binding to antigens in the presence of protamine and Tween 20 was investigated in more details. The comparative analysis of PRIGs reaction dynamics with immobilized antigen was provided. In addition, the rate constants for the reaction and the affinity constants of PRIGs-antigen binding in the presence or absence of optimal protamine concentration were determined. The rate constant of PRIGs-antigen reaction did not increase in the presence of protamine optimal concentration and was even reduced approximately twice. However, in the presence of protamine the concentration of reactive PRIGs molecules, that were able to interact with antigen, increased approximately 30 times, and this led to strong reaction rate increase. Protamine also influenced the affinity constant of PRIGs-antigen binding, which increased approximately three times. The suggestion was made that such protamine effect was due to its influence on the PRIGs molecules special structure, and, as a result of the conformational change PRIGs became able to bind more effectively to the antigens.
Interaction peculiarities of polyreactive immunoglobulins and various antigens
S. A. Bobrovnik, M. O. Demchenko, S. V. Komisarenko
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukarine, Kyiv;
е-mail: s-bobrov@bk.ru
The influence of twin 20, lysozyme and protamine on the capability of polyreactive immunoglobulins (PRIG) to attach to various antigens was investigated. Twin 20 can inhibit the binding of PRIG to antigens on immunological plates but lysozyme and protamine can enhance it. As far as the mixture of the optimal concentrations of lysozyme and protamine cannot increase PRIG-antigen interaction in comparison to the optimal dose of protamine, we have concluded that the mechanism of their effect on PRIG binding is similar. Of special interest is the fact that twin 20 at optimal concentration of lysozyme or protamine does not decrease PRIG binding to various antigens but, on the contrary, increases PRIG-antigen interaction.