Tag Archives: stoichiometry of cytochromes

Stoichiometry of cytochromes and oxygen tension in skeletal muscles of marine fish

A. A. Soldatov1, I. A. Parfyonova2

1A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas,
National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Sevastopol;
e-mail: alekssoldatov@yandex.ru;
2V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Simferopol

The character of oxygen tension distribution and peculiarities of cytochromes stoichiometry in skeletal muscles of bottom and pelagic species of marine fish were compared. It is shown, that the limitation of muscle activity increases the number of hypoxic zones in the muscle tissue. The mitochondrial electron-transporting chain then obtain the uncompensated type of organization, expressed in the increase of the share of the terminal complex aa3 on the background of general reduction of cytochromes content in the muscles. The reaction is of an adaptive character and can be implemented by pelagic fish species in conditions of experimental hypokinesia.