Ukr.Biochem.J. 2014; Volume 86, Issue 5, Sep-Oct, pp. 151-155


Age changes of human serum polyreactive immunoglobulins (PRIG) activity

S. A. Bobrovnik, M. A. Demchenko, S. V. Komisarenko

Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;

It has been determined that activity of serum polyreactive immunoglobulins (PRIG) changes with age in practically healthy people at the age from twenty five to seventy. Therewith, the activity of serum IgG PRIG increases most of all (about 3-4 times), while IgM PRIG activity, on the contrary, does not increase, but sometimes even decreases with age. IgA PRIG activity varies significantly more than IgG PRIG activity and, besides, IgА PRIG significantly less depends on age than IgG PRIG. The age changes in the activity of human serum PRIG, belonging to different types of immunoglobulins, may evidence for the important functional role of these immunoglobulins that has to be clarified.

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