Ukr.Biochem.J. 2014; Volume 86, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, pp. 117-123
The effect of natural polyphenol complex of red grape wine ON L-arginine/NO system in peripheral blood of rats under low doses of ionizing radiation
M. V. Sabadashka1, A. R. Gnatush1, L. O. Datsyuk1, U. V. Staranko1, A. N. Fedorovych1,
V. G. Herzhykova2, A. M. Zotov2, E. A. Slastya2, N. O. Sybirna1
1Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine;
2National Institute for Vine and Wine «Magarach», Crimea, Ukraine;
The total activity of NO-synthase and content of stable metabolitic products of nitric oxide in the peripheral blood of rats under low doses of ionizing radiation and administration of natural polyphenol complex of grape was investigated. It was found that natural polyphenol compounds of grapes have the ability to correct radioinduced changes in L-arginine/NO system. It was noted that the action of X-radiation increased activity of NO-synthase in the peripheral blood of rats. However, the consumption of natural polyphenol complex of grape led to a decrease of this index to control values.
An increase in NOS activity under irradiation leads to the increase of NO stable metabolites content, which is reflected in the accumulation of nitrite- and nitrate-anions in the peripheral blood of rats. The consumption of preparation of polyphenol complex this index decreased in the early period of the experiment, and on the third day after exposure, the total content of NO stable metabolites is slightly higher compared to the indices of control animals. Thus, the ability of natural polyphenol complex to cause attenuation of oxidative-nitrative stress caused by ionizing radiation was investigated experimentally.
Keywords: grape polyphenol compounds, nitrates, nitrites, NO-synthase activity, X-radiation
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