Ukr.Biochem.J. 2016; Volume 88, Issue 2, Mar-Apr, pp. 89-97


Gene expression of H(+)-pumps in plasma and vacuolar membranes of corn root cells under the effect of sodium ions and bioactive preparations

N. O. Kovalenko, T. A. Palladina

Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;

Four isoforms of H+-ATPase of plasma membrane: MHA1, MHA2, MHA3, MHA4 are expressed in the corn seedling roots with prevalence of genes MHA3 і MHA4. The exposure of seedlings in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl activated the expression of MHA4 gene isoform, that demonstrates its important role in the processes of adaptation to salinization conditions. In vacuolar membrane, where potential is created by two Н+-pumps, sodium ions activated gene expression of only Н+-АТРase of V-type, taking no effect on the expression of Н+-pyrophosphatase. The seeds pretreatment by synthetic preparations Methyure and Ivine did not affect gene expression of Н+-pumps. Thus we can suppose that the ability of the above preparations to activate functioning of Н+-pumps in the presence of sodium ions is realized at the post-tranlation level.

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