Tag Archives: plasma membrane
Kinetic regularities of thiacalix[4]arene C-1087 inhibitory effect on the activity of Mg(2+)-dependent Ca(2+)-transporting ATP hydrolase in the plasma membrane of smooth muscle cells
Т. О. Veklich1, О. V. Bevza1, О. V. Maliuk1*, S. О. Kosterin1,
R. V. Rodik2, S. H. Vyshnevskyi2, V. І. Kalchenko2
1Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
*e-mail: alexmaliukid@gmail.com;
2Institute of Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Received: 05 November 2023; Revised: 04 January 2024;
Accepted: 01 February 2024; Available on-line: 26 February 2024
The experiments with the suspension of plasma membranes of myometrium cells, treated with 0.1% digitonin solution, were used to study kinetic regularities of the inhibitory effect of tetra-N-phenylsulfonyl trifluoroacetamidine-thiacalixarene (С-1087) on the activity of Са2+,Mg2+-ATPase. The studies demonstrated the impact of C-1087 on the cumulative effect and the maximal velocity of ATP hydrolysis. No effect of С-1087 on the affinity between Са2+,Mg2+-ATPase, and АТР, affinity and cumulative effect of Ca ions and activation coefficient for Mg ions was revealed. A considerable decrease in the maximal velocity of ATP hydrolysis evidenced a complete non-competitive mechanism of inhibiting Са2+,Mg2+-АТРase activity with thiacalix[4]arene С-1087. Computer simulation demonstrated that thiacalix[4]arene С-1087 inhibiting effect on Са2+,Mg2+-ATPase may be conditioned by the cumulative effect of four spatially oriented N-sulfonylamidine groups on the upper rim of its macrocyclic platform.
Inhibition of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and activation of myosin ATPase by calix[4]arene C-107 cause stimulation of isolated smooth muscle contractile activity
T. O. Veklich1, R. D. Labyntseva1, O. A. Shkrabak1, O. V. Tsymbalyuk2,
R. V. Rodik3, V. I. Kalchenko3, S. O. Kosterin1
1Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
2Institute of High Technologies, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine;
3Institute of Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
e-mail: veklich@biochem.kiev.ua; otsymbal@bigmir.net; manli@ioch.kiev.ua
Received: 04 Jule 2019; Accepted: 29 November 2019
The discovery of compounds that might modify myometrial contractility is an important area of researches. In our previous experiments, we found that some representatives of macrocyclic compounds family – calix[4]arenes – can modify the enzymatic and transport activity of membrane-bound cation-transport ATP hydrolases. The aim of this work was to study and compare the effect of calix[4]arene C-107 on the enzymatic activities of Mg2+-dependent ATPases of the uterine smooth muscle, namely: ouabain-sensitive Na+,K+-ATPase, plasma membrane Ca2+-independent “basal” Mg2+-ATPase, ATPase of the actomyosin complex and myosin subfragment-1, with effect on the contractile activity of the myometrium. It was shown that calix[4]arene C-107 efficiently inhibited myometrium Na+,K+-ATPase (I50 = 54 ± 6 nM) selectively to other ATP-hydrolases of the plasma membrane and simultaneously activated the enzymatic activity of the myosin ATPase of smooth muscles (A50 = 9.6 ± 0.7 μM). Such reciprocal biochemical effects led to the stimulation of the smooth muscle contractile activity that was demonstrated by the tensometric method using different isolated smooth muscles. Calix[4]arene С-107 was shown to stimulate the increase of the tonic component of myometrium contractions induced by oxytocin, as well as contractions of the caecum muscles induced by high-potassium solution or acetylcholine, and to maintain increased tension for a long time. Thus, calix[4]arene C-107 is a prospective compound for enhancing the smooth muscle basal tone and/or contraction in case of hypotonic dysfunctions.
Calix[4]arene С-956 selectively inhibits plasma membrane Са(2+),Mg(2+)-АТРase in myometrial cells
Т. O. Veklich1, O. A. Skrabak1, Yu. V. Nikonishyna1, R. V. Rodik2, V. I. Kalchenko2, S. O. Kosterin1
1Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
2Institute of Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
e-mail: veklich@biochem.kiev.ua; manli@ioch.kiev.ua
Using enzymatic assays and kinetic analysis, we demonstrated that 100 µM calix[4]arene C-956 (5,11,17,23-tetra(trifluoro)methyl-(phenylsulfonylimino) methylamino-25,27-dioctyloxy-26,28-dipropoxycalix[4]arene) had the most significant inhibitory effect on the plasma membrane Са2+,Mg2+-АТРase activity compared to effects of other calix[4]arenes, and had no effect on specific activities of other membrane ATPases. Using confocal microscopy and fluorescent probe fluo-4, we observed an increase of the intracellular level of Ca2+ after application of calix[4]arene C-956 to immobilized myocytes. Analysis of the effect of calix[4]arene C-956 on the hydrodynamic diameter of myocytes demonstrated that application of calix[4]arene C-956 solution decreased this parameter by 45.5 ± 9.4% compared to control value similarly to the action of uterotonic drug oxytocin.
Effect of preparations Methyure and Ivine on Са(2+)-ATPases activity in plasma and vacuolar membrane of corn seedling roots under salt stress conditions
M. V. Rudnytska, T. A. Palladina
Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
e-mail: tatiana_palladina@ukr.net
Ca2+-ATPases regulate the functioning of Ca2+-dependent signaling pathway SOS which provides removal of Na+ from the cytoplasm of cells via Na+/H+-antiporters in saline conditions. The influence of synthetic preparations Methyure and Ivine on the Ca2+-ATPase activity was investigated. It was shown that exposition of corn seedlings in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl rather enhanced hydrolytic than transport activity of Ca2+-ATPases in plasma and vacuolar membrane of root cells. It was found that seed treatment with such preparations, especially Methyure, caused intensification of the both activities of Ca2+-ATPases, mainly in vacuolar membrane. The results indicate than salt protective activity of preparations, especially Methyure, is associated with increased Ca2+-ATPase activity, which regulates the functioning of Na+/H+-antiporters.
The calixarene C-107 increases the affinity of the Na(+),K(+)-АТРase activity in plasmatic membrane of smooth muscle cells to the ouabain
T. O. Veklich1, A. A. Shkrabak1, R. V. Rodik2,
V. I. Kalchenko2, S. O. Kosterin1
1Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
e-mail: kinet@biochem.kiev.ua;
2Institute of Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
e-mail: vik@ioch.kiev.ua
In the experiments carried out with the suspension of the myometrium cell plasmatic membranes treated with 0.1% digitonin solution we investigated the influence of сalixarene С-107 (5,17-diamino(2-pyridyl)methylphosphono-11,23-di-tret-butyl-26,28-dihydroxy-25,27-dipropoxycalix[4]arene) on the Nа+,K+-АТРase activity. It was shown that this calixarene increased the affinity of the enzyme for the sodium pump conventional inhibitor – ouabain: the magnitudes of the seeming constant of inhibition I0.5 changed from 26.9 ± 1.3 mM to 10.9 ± 0.6 mM. However the ouabain itself did not influence on the affinity of the Nа+,K+-АТРase for сalixarene С-107.
Comparative investigation of the effect of calix[4]arene C-99 and its analogs on Nа(+),K(+)-ATPase activity of uterus myocite plasma membrane
T. O. Veklich1, A. A. Shkrabak1, S. O. Cherenok2,
V. I. Kalchenko2, S. O. Kosterin1
1Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
2Institute of Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
e-mail: kinet@biochem.kiev.ua; vik@ioch.kiev.ua
The aim of our investigation was to determine structural features of calix[4]arene C-99 which are important for its inhibition properties relative to Nа+,K+-ATPase of uterus myocite plasma membrane. Therefore we studied the effect of calix[4]-arenes С-296, С-297, С-424, С-425, С-426, С-427, which are structurally similar to this inhibitor, on the mentioned enzyme activity. We have shown that calixarenes С-296 and С-297 which have two additional propoxy groups on the lower rim of macrocycle are less effective inhibitors of Nа+,K+-ATPase relative to calixarene C-99. Calixarenes С-425 and С-427 which have on the upper rim of macrocycle three and four phosponic residues, respectively, also inhibit Nа+,K+-ATPase activity less effectively as compared to calixarene C-99. Both calixarenes: С-424, which has only two carbonate residues on the upper rim, and С-426, which has on the upper rim ketomethilphosphonate residues instead of hydroxymethilphosphonate residues of calixarene C-99, do not affect Nа+,K+-ATPase activity. We have made respective conclusions concerning the role of certain chemical groups of calixarene C-99 during its interaction with Nа+,K+-ATPase.
Changes in polarization of myometrial cells plasma and internal mitochondrial membranes under calixarenes action as inhibitors of plasma membrane Na(+), K(+)-ATPase
G. V. Danylovych1, Yu. V. Danylovych1, O. V. Kolomiets1,
S. O. Kosterin1, R. V. Rodik2, S. O. Cherenok2, V. I. Kalchenko2,
A. Ju. Сhunikhin1, V. F. Gorchev1, S. A. Karakhim1
1Palladine Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
2Institute of Organic Chemistry, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Kyiv
e-mail: danylovych@biochem.kiev.ua; vik@bpci.kiev.ua
The influence of supramolecular macrocyclic compounds – calix[4]arenes C-97, C-99, C-107, which are ouabainomymetic high affinity inhibitors of Na+, K+-ATPase, on the polarization level of plasmic and mitochondrial membranes of rat uterine smooth muscle cells was investigated. The influence of these compounds on the myocytes characteristic size was studied.
By using a confocal microscopy and specific for mitochondrial MitoTracker Orange CM H2TMRos dye it was proved that the potential-sensitive fluorescent probe DiOC6(3) interacts with mitochondria. Artificial potential collapse of plasmic membrane in this case was modeled by myocytes preincubation with ouabain (1 mM).
Further experiments performed using the method of flow cytometry with DiOC6(3) have shown that the compounds C-97, C-99 and C-107 at concentration 50-100 nM caused depolarization of the plasma membrane (at the level of 30% relative to control values) in conditions of artificial collapse of mitochondrial potential by myocytes preincubation in the presence of 5 mM of sodium azide.
Under artificial sarcolemma depolarization by ouabain, calixarenes C-97, C-99 and C-107 at 100 nM concentrations caused a transient increase of mitochondrial membrane potential, that is 40% of the control level and lasted about 5 minutes. Calixarenes C-99 and C-107 caused a significant increase in fluorescence of myocytes in these conditions, which was confirmed by confocal microscopy too.
It was proved by photon correlation spectroscopy method that the C-99 and C-107 caused an increase of characteristic size of myocytes.
Gene expression of H(+)-pumps in plasma and vacuolar membranes of corn root cells under the effect of sodium ions and bioactive preparations
N. O. Kovalenko, T. A. Palladina
Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
e-mail: tatiana_palladina@ukr.net
Four isoforms of H+-ATPase of plasma membrane: MHA1, MHA2, MHA3, MHA4 are expressed in the corn seedling roots with prevalence of genes MHA3 і MHA4. The exposure of seedlings in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl activated the expression of MHA4 gene isoform, that demonstrates its important role in the processes of adaptation to salinization conditions. In vacuolar membrane, where potential is created by two Н+-pumps, sodium ions activated gene expression of only Н+-АТРase of V-type, taking no effect on the expression of Н+-pyrophosphatase. The seeds pretreatment by synthetic preparations Methyure and Ivine did not affect gene expression of Н+-pumps. Thus we can suppose that the ability of the above preparations to activate functioning of Н+-pumps in the presence of sodium ions is realized at the post-tranlation level.
The inhibitory influence of calix[4]arene of C-90 on the activity of Ca(2+),Mg(2+)-ATPases in plasma membrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum in myometrium сells
T. O. Veklich
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry,National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
e-mail: veklich@biochem.kiev.ua
Our study on the plasma membrane vesicles and myometrium cells treated with 0.1% digitonin showed that inhibitory effect of calix[4]arene C-90 (5,11,17,23-tetra(trifluoro)methyl(phenylsulphonylimino)-methylamino-25,26,27,28-tetrapropoxy-calix[4]arene) on the plasma membrane Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase was more significant than on the Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase in sarcoplasmic reticulum (the inhibition coefficient I0.5 values were 20.2 ± 0.5 µM and 57.0 ± 1.4 µM for the plasma membrane Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase and Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase in sarcoplasmic reticulum, respectively (n = 5)). Inhibition kinetics of calix[4]arene C-90 effect on the Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase activities in plasma membrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum were studied. This substance inhibited both pumps as complete noncompetitive inhibitor. Calix[4]arene C-90 caused the increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration and decrease of hydrodynamic diameter in smooth muscle cells similar to the action of uterotonic drug oxytocin.
Sweet taste of cell death: role of carbohydrate recognition systems
R. Bilyy, R. Stoika
Institute of Cell Biology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv;
e-mail: r.bilyy@nas.gov.ua; stoika@cellbiol.lviv.ua
This paper describes a complicated way how the glycoepitops’ alterations on a surface of dying cells allow investigators to decipher specific mechanisms underlying cell restructuring at apoptosis. These glycoepitops are important at removal of fragments of dying cells from the body, which can be a cause of formation of the auto-antibodies.