Ukr.Biochem.J. 2019; Volume 91, Issue 6, Nov-Dec, pp. 96-102
Fatty acids composition of Bacillus subtilis ONU551 lipids
Т. V. Gudzenko, O. V. Voliuvach, O. G. Gorshkova,
А. М. Ostapchuk, V. O. Ivanytsia
Оdesa National I.I. Mechnykov University, Ukraine;
Received: 11 March 2019; Accepted: 18 October 2019
The aim of the study was to determine the cellular lipids fatty acid composition for identification of the Bacillus subtilis ONU551 strain bacteria, which is a phenol destructor. Fatty acids analysis of B. subtilis ONU551 strain was performed using an automatic system for microorganisms’ identification MIDI Sherlock (MIDI, USA) based on gas chromatograph Agilent 7890. Chromatograms analysis showed that the fatty acid spectrum of the strain B. subtilis ONU551 consisted predominately of branched structural isomers of saturated acids: 13-methyltetradecanoic (15:0 iso; 34.72%) and 12-methyltetradecanoic (15:0 anteiso; 33.72%) acids. The total content of the branched saturated fatty acids was 88.16% – 14:0 iso (0.52%), 15:0 iso (34.72%), 15:0 anteiso (33.72%), 16:0 iso (1.85%), 17:0 iso (7.11%), 17:0 anteiso (10.24%). The saturated fatty acids of the normal structure were also detected – 12:0 (0.36%), 14:0 (0.28%), 16:0 (1.30%). No 2- and 3-hydroxy acids and no cyclic fatty acids were detected in the fatty acid profile of B. subtilis ONU551 strain. Unsaturated fatty acid isomers – 15:1 w5c (1.85%), 16:1 w11c (1.21%), 16:1 w7c alcohol (1.08%), 17:1 iso w10c (3.18%), ∑17:1 iso I/anteiso B (2.57%) were shown to be the distinctive biomarkers of the B. subtilis ONU551 strain. According to the fatty acid profile analysis with MIDI Sherlock system, the studied strain was identified as Bacillus subtilis with high level of similarity index (0.563).
Keywords: Bacillus subtilis ONU551, fatty acids composition, saturated acids isomers, strain identification
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