Ukr.Biochem.J. 2022 Volume 94, Issue 5, Sep-Oct
Experimental Works- Purification and characterization of platelet aggregation inhibitor from the venom of Bitis arietans (Platonov O., Nikulina V., Kucheryavyi Y., GryshchukV., Stohniy Y., Chernyshenko V., Slominskyi O., Rebriev A., Savchenko K., Garmanchuk L.)
- The level of nitric oxide and arginase activity in patients with arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus during COVID-19 (Sklyarova O.Y., Mahiiovych S.R., Denysenko N.V., Kobylinska L.I., Sklyarov Y.Y.)
- Perinatal hypoxia and thalamus brain region: increased efficiency of antiepileptic drug levetiracetam to inhibit GABA release from nerve terminals (Dudarenko M.V., Pozdnyakova N.G.)
- Dietary intake of folate and the frequency of its deficiency in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy children (Dobrovolska L.I., Boyarchuk O.R., Kinash M.I.)
- Evaluation of the spectral characteristics, purity and antioxidant activity of C-phycocyanin from the cyanobacteria collected in Kaunas Lagoon (Lithuania) (Hudz N., Turkina V., Yezerska O., Kobylinska L., Filipska A., Karosienė J., Galinytė D., Balčiūnaitė–Murzienė G., Khomyak S., Savickienė N.)
- Changes in the activity of phosphatases, calcium and phosphorus in rats with the different courses of gingivitis under correction by anti-inflammatory gel (Avdeev O., Drevnitska R., Gevkaliuk N., Bandrivsky Yu., Boykiv A.)
- Effect of nitrates on the bone marrow of rats (Danchyshyn M.V., Lototska O.V.)
- Toxocariasis in children with digestive system diseases (Hlushko K.T., Pavlyshyn H.A.)