Ukr.Biochem.J. 2015; Volume 87, Issue 4, Jul-Aug, pp. 78-86


The alkaloid-free fraction from Galega officinalis extract prevents oxidative stress under experimental diabetes mellitus

M. I. Lupak, M. R. Khokhla, G. Ya. Hachkova, O. P. Kanyuka,
N. I. Klymyshyn, Ya. P. Chajka, M. I. Skybitska, N. O. Sybirna

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine;

The effect of alkaloid-free fraction from Galega officinalis extract on the process of formation of reactive oxygen species and indicators of prooxidant-antioxidant balance was investigated in rat peri­pheral blood under conditions of experimental diabetes mellitus. It was shown that alkaloid-free fraction from Galega officinalis extract prevents oxidative stress development in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes, providing antioxidant and antiradical mobilization mechanisms to protect the blood system. In the case of extract application to animals with studied­ pathology, one can observe a reducing effect of reactive oxygen species generation in leukocytes, inhibition of proteins and lipids oxidative modification processes and increased activity of key enzymes of rat peripheral blood antioxidant system (superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase). The revealed biological effect could be explained by the presence of biologically active substances with antioxidant properties in the extract composition (phytol and flavonoids).

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