Ukr.Biochem.J. 2013; Volume 85, Issue 2, Mar-Apr, pp. 45-51


Organ-specific antitoxic effects of N-stearoilethanolamine male mice with lewis carcinoma under indoxorubicin intoxication

E. A. Goudz, N. M. Gulа, T. N. Goridko, Y. N. Bashta, A. I. Voyeikov

Palladin Institute of Biochemistry,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;

With the introduction of doxorubicin into mice with Lewis carcinoma in the heart and liver tissues and kidney the organ-antitoxic effects of N-stearoilethanolamine (NSE) were found, which depended on its concentration. Administration of doxorubicin to male mice leads to an increase in the level of urea and creatinine, as well as activation of ALT in blood plasma. Introduction of NSE resulted in normalization of these parameters to the level of intact animals. In the heart tissue  doxorubicin has multi-directional effects on the activity of antioxidant enzymes, in particular it decreases the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase activity increases. Introduction of NSE normalizes these two indicators. It was found that tumor growth leads to an increase in the activity of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase. Introduction of NSE normalizes activity of these enzymes. Doxorubicin causes an increase in catalase activity in the kidney of mice with tumour, NSE prevented the increase in the activity of the above enzyme. The cancer process leads to increased levels of catalase activity in the liver of tumour-bearing mice, the introduction of NSE decreases the enzyme activity.

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