Ukr.Biochem.J. 2011; Volume 83, Issue 1, Jan-Feb, pp. 5-17
Folate-related processes in human placenta: gene expression, aminothiols, proliferation and apoptosis
M. Yu. Obolenskaya, R. R. Rodriges, O. P. Martsenyuk
Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetic, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
The paper contains short information concerning the role of folate-related processes in cell metabolism and multiple diseases which are characterized by hyperhomocysteinemia. The authors represent more detailed information about the folate-related processes in human placenta, namely about the content of aminothiols at different allelic variants of placental methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase during the course of physiological pregnancy and preeclampsia. The existing data concerning the expression and catalytic activity of corresponding enzymes are corroborated by the authors’ own results that proved for the first time the functional activity of transsulfuration pathway in human placenta. This pathway is activated in placental explants in parallel with down-regulation of proliferation and up-regulation of apoptosis when hyperhomocysteinemia is imitated by high concentration of homocysteine in culture medium. On the whole the presented data point to the importance of placental folate-related processes for its normal function.
Keywords: apoptosis, folate-related processes, gene expression, human placenta, proliferation, transsulfuration
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