Ukr.Biochem.J. 2011; Volume 83, Issue 4, Jul-Aug, pp. 57-66

The liver and kidneys biochemical indices at the experimental pancreatitis in case of the administration of nitric oxide synthesis modulators and recombinant superoxide dismutase

O. Z. Yaremchuk, K. A. Posokhova

SHEI «I. Ya. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University», Ukraine;

The rats liver and kidneys function indices were studied in case of administration of recombinant superoxide dismutase drug, precursor of nitric oxide L-arginine and the blocker of inducible NO-synthase aminoguanidine. The disturbances in functioning of prooxidant-antioxidant system (a decrease of activity of superoxide dismutase, katalaze, amount of restored glutathione, growth of the level of hydroperoxide lipids, TBA-active products­), mitochondrial electron-transport pathways (a decrease in activity of succinatedehydrogenaze, cytochrome oxydaze), a rise of nitrite-anion level in the liver and kidneys, increase of α-amylase activity and tumor necrosis factor α serum concentration were established on the model of pancreas injury in white male rats. Under these circumstances aminoguanidine attenuated the oxidative stress in the liver and kidneys due to normalization of nitric oxide synthesis. The ability to activate the antioxidant system was proved by combined usage of recombinant superoxide dismutase and aminoguanidine. It was determined that recombinant superoxide dismutase partially decreases the negative influence of L-arginine and improves the biochemical indices of the liver and kidneys function in rats with acute experimental pancreatitis.

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