Ukr.Biochem.J. 2017 Volume 89, Issue 1, Jan-Feb
ReviewsExperimental Works- Characteristics of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of IgG antibodies specific to Сhlamydia trachomatis heat shock protein (HSP-60) (Galkin O.Yu., Besarab A.B., Lutsenko T.N.)
- Effect of 3-substituted 1,4-benzodiazepin-2-ones on bradykinin-induced smooth muscle contraction (Virych P.A., Shelyuk O.V., Kabanova T.A., Khalimova E.I., Martynyuk V.S., Pavlovsky V.I., Andronati S.A.)
- Inhibition of IRE1 modifies hypoxic regulation of G6PD, GPI, TKT, TALDO1, PGLS and RPIA genes expression in U87 glioma cells (Minchenko O.H., Garmash I.A., Minchenko D.O., Kuznetsova A.Y., Ratushna O.O.)
- Fecal short-chain fatty acids at different time points after ceftriaxone administration in rats (Holota Yu.V., Holubenko O.O., Ostapchuk A.M., Serhiychuk T.M., Zakordonets L.V., Tolstanova G.M.)
- Serum glycomarkers of endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomal-endosomal system stress in human healthy aging and diseases (Pismenetskaya I.U., Butters T.D.)
- Age-related changes phospholipids of sterlet in liver and dorsal muscles (Suleimanova R.R., Hudz E.А., Melnychuk D.О., Kalachniuk LH.)
- Effect of preparations Methyure and Ivine on Са(2+)-ATPases activity in plasma and vacuolar membrane of corn seedling roots under salt stress conditions (Rudnytska M.V., Palladina T.A.)