Tag Archives: histamine
Quercetin and histamine effects on free radical reactions in rat erythrocytes
N. P. Harasym*, M. Y. Booklyv, A. R. Zyn, S. M. Mandzynets,
A. O. Bezkorovainy, D. I. Sanahursky
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Faculty of Biology, Departments of Biophysics and Bioinformatics, Ukraine;
*e-mail: garasymnataly@gmail.com
Received: 12 June 2020; Accepted: 17 December 2020
The effects of quercetin and histamine separately or in combination on the free radical state of rat erythrocytes were estimated in vitro. Quercetin (0.1; 0.5; 3.0; 5.0 mM) or histamine (0.01; 10.0 μM) were added to whole blood separately or in combination. The content of hydroperoxides, TBA-active products and carbonyl groups of proteins in erythrocytes after hemolysis was determined. The greatest influence of quercetin and histamine on erythrocytes state indicators was revealed under their combined action, when the level of TBA-active products and the content of carbonyl groups of proteins were found to be increased substantially.
Antioxidant defense system state in blood plasma and heart muscle of rats under the influence of histamine and sodium hypoclorite
O. I. Bishko, N. P. Harasym, D. I. Sanahurs’kyj
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine;
e-mail: oliabishko@gmail.com
There is a wide spectrum of antihistamine drugs in the pharmaceutical market, however all these chemical preparations cause side effects. Therefore, new alternative ways for histamine detoxication are to be found. For this aim in our experiment sodium hypochlorite was used because its solution possesses strong oxidizing properties. The influence of histamine and sodium hypochlorite on the antioxidant defence system state of blood plasma and cardiac muscle in rats has been researched. It was shown, that the investigated factors result in the disruption of the antioxidant system. It was found that histamine injection in concentration of 1 and 8 μg/kg in plasma leads to the increase of superoxide dismutase activity during all the experiment. When studying enzymes, that catalyze hydroperoxides and Н2О2 decomposition it was shown that under the influence of histamine in a dose 1 μg/kg, the glutathione peroxidase activity increased on the 1st day of the experiment. However, on the 7th day of the experiment the increase of both glutathione peroxidase and catalase activity was fixed. The deviation in superoxide dismutase function in rats plasma under the action of sodium hypochlorite has been established. The activity of enzymes that decompose Н2О2 and hydroperoxides were inhibited. Under the influence of histamine in the heart tissues we have stated the disturbance of superoxide dismutase work and increase of catalase activity and decrease of glutathione peroxidase activity. The influence of sodium hypochlorite on the myocardium of intact animals as well as joint influence of sodium hypochlorite and histamine result in the increase of superoxide dismutase and catalase activity and lead to the considerable decline of activity of glutathione peroxidase.