Tag Archives: reactive nitrogen species
Nitric oxide cycle activity in rat biceps femoris muscle under conditions of bacterial lipopolysaccharide influence, experimental metabolic syndrome and their combination
O. Ye. Akimov1*, A. O. Mykytenko2, V. O. Kostenko1
1Department of Pathophysiology, Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine;
*e-mail: o.akimov@pdmu.edu.ua;
2Department of Biological and Bioorganic Chemistry, Poltava State Medical University, Poltava, Ukraine
Received: 22 April 2023; Revised: 05 June 2023;
Accepted: 7 September 2023; Available on-line: 12 September 2023
There is evidence that long-term organism stimulation with bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS), which promotes the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide, may play an important role in metabolic syndrome (MetS) development. Changes in NO production under conditions of MetS have different directions and depend on a specific organ. The purpose of this work was to study the production of nitric oxide and its metabolites in the biceps femoris muscle of rats under conditions of lipopolysaccharide stimulation of the organism, metabolic syndrome and their combination. The study was conducted for 60 days on 24 male Wistar rats divided into control, MetS, LPS and LPS+MetS groups. MetS was reproduced by adding 20% fructose solution to food, LPS stimulation was carried out by intraperitoneal injection of S. typhi LPS. It was demonstrated that stimulation of the rat organism with LPS under conditions of experimental metabolic syndrome increased the production of nitric oxide by L-arginine-dependent pathway, but limited metabolic syndrome-induced increase in nitric oxide production by L-arginine-independent pathway, reduced the concentration of S-nitrosothiols, while increasing the concentration of peroxynitrites and nitrites in the biceps femoris muscle of rats.
Indicators of oxidative and nitrosative stress and activity of enzymes of nitric oxide metabolism in rats treated with 4-thiazolidinone derivatives possessing antineoplastic activity
L. I. Kоbylinska1, R. R. Panchuk2, R. B. Lesyk1,
B. S. Zіmenkovsky1, R. S. Stoika2
1Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Ukraine;
2Institute of Cell Biology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv;
e-mail: lesya8@gmail.com
Principal ways of generation and function of free oxygen and nitrogen radical metabolites, as well as the ways of their bio-neutralization in rats treated with potential anticancer drugs have been discussed. Three isatin-pyrazoline 4-thiazolidinone conjugates – Les-3288, Les-3833 and Les-3882 – were selected as the most perspective antineoplastic agents. Since the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species are responsible for negative side effects of many anticancer drugs, we measured the indicators of the oxidative and nitrosative stress and the activity of enzymes of the nitric oxide metabolism in blood of rats treated with such compounds. It was found that both Les-3833 and doxorubicin used as a positive control increased the level of specific indicators of the oxidative and nitrosative stress, while Les-3288 and Les-3882 did not cause a significant elevation in ROS content. There were no big changes in the activity of either iNO-synthase or NO-reductase under the action of doxorubicin, while Les-3288 and Les-3882 induced a decrease in the activity of iNO-synthase, and Les-3288 induced a decrease in the activity of NO-reductase. Thus, the content of low molecular weight indicators of the oxidative and nitrosative stress in blood of rats is of higher informative value than the level of activity of enzymes of the nitric oxide metabolism at the action of such toxic agents as anticancer drugs. These indicators should be used for assessment of toxic damage of tissues and organs by the anticancer drugs.