Ukr.Biochem.J. 2014; Volume 86, Issue 6, Nov-Dec, pp. 167-174
The influence of low-molecular fraction from cord blood (below 5 kDa) on functional and biochemical parameters of cells in vitro
A. K. Gulevsky, N. N. Moisieieva, O. L. Gorina,
J. S. Akhatova, A. A. Lavrik, A. V. Trifonova
Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine,
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv;
The influence of a low-molecular fraction (below 5 kDa) from the cattle cord blood (CBF) on functional activity of phagocytes, human embryonic fibroblasts, mesenchymal stromal cells and BHK-21 clone 13/04 and PK-15 cells was studied. The low-molecular fraction added to culture medium increases the growth rate of cell cultures. The incubation of leukoconcentrate in the CBF-containing medium results in an increase in phagocytic indices of neutrophils in the presence of a phagocytosis inhibitor – sodium iodoacetate, leading to a significant increase in intracellular glucose content and alkaline phosphatase activity as compared to the control and the reference drug Actovegin®.
Keywords: Actovegin®, alkaline phosphatase, BHK-21 clone 13/04, cord blood low-molecular fraction, glucose, human embryonic fibroblasts, inhibitors of phagocytosis, leukocytes, mesenchymal stromal cells, PK-15 cells
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