Ukr.Biochem.J. 2015; Volume 87, Issue 6, Nov-Dec, pp. 162-172
The history of creation and study of vitamin D medicines in the Laboratory of Medical Biochemistry of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine for 1990-2015
N. E. Lugovska, G. G. Lugovska, I. G. Chernysh, S. P. Yurasova, V. M. Danilova
Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;
The article presents the main results of inventive activity of the Laboratory of Medical Biochemistry headed by Dr. L. I. Apukhovska of the Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. These researches continued the works initiated by Prof. V. P. Vendt and included development of technologies for the production of highly efficient preparations based on vitamin D3, namely “VIDEIN” in several modified forms (for prevention and treatment of rickets and rickets-like diseases in children, osteopathy of various origins, hypovitaminosis D in pregnant, mineral metabolism disorders, etc), water-soluble vitamin D3 (for prevention and treatment of rickets in children from the first months of life), “KALMIVID” and ”KALMIVID-M” (for treatment of bone tissue diseases associated with mineral metabolism disorders), the pharmaceutical composition “MEBIVID” (for treatment of osteoporosis and diseases associated with reduced bone mineral density) and therapeutic vitamin-D3-E protein complex (for regulation of metabolic processes, improvement of structural and functional bone quality as well as structure and function of epiphyseal cartilage). All products are characterized by stability of vitamin D3 molecule, and thus, dosing accuracy and reliability, whilst not containing toxic preservatives and stabilizers. The technologies for production as well as analytical and normative documentations have been developed for all preparations.
Keywords: diabetes, hypovitaminosis D, osteomalacia, osteopathy, osteoporosis, rickets, vitamin D(3) preparations
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