Ukr.Biochem.J. 2011; Volume 83, Issue 3, May-Jun, pp. 85-90
Tissue specificity of lipid peroxidation under emotional stress in rats
K. O. Menabde, G. M. Burjanadze, M. V. Сhachua,
Z. T. Kuchukashvili, N. I. Koshoridze
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia;
The intensity of lipid peroxidation and activity of antioxidant system enzymes in the blood plasma, brain and cardial muscle of laboratory rats under 40 days of isolation and violation of diurnal cycle was studied. The obtained data show that on the background of concentration changes in NO changes also take place in the intensity of lipid peroxidation process, indicated by changes in the concentration of TBA-active products and diene conjugates.
The changes taking place in the activity of superoxidedismutase, catalase, succinatdehydrogenase, creatine kinase and aldolase under stress were studied.
The resulting data show that isolation of animals and violation of diurnal cycle are the factors causing a significant reduction in the energy metabolism in the brain and heart tissue cells and resulting in oxidative stress that, in its turn, may become the reason for development of toxic radicals.
Furthermore, prolonged stress may result in irreversible processes that are considered to be the reasons for significant pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
Keywords: antioxidant system, diurnal cycle, lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress